Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Tension Induced Chronic Pain - The Basics

Many of you are quite familiar with the dynamics involved in chronic pain disorders and their strategies. Following are the Basics that Must be known, understood, and practiced if you intend to heal and eliminate your pain.

1. You must Accept the fact that the cause of pain in these disorders are repressed emotional and mental energy (thoughts and emotions). In the beginning you will need to work with this concept and start becoming aware of your outside stress factor and how they interact with your internal system (your personality and how it internalizes this stress/tension in your life).

2. The key to accepting this the real cause of pain is that it allows you to work with, investigate and focus your attention on your thoughts and feeligs...This is significant. In these pain disorders the pain sensations that you feel are notifying you that there is energy (emotions) that are stuck or blocked in your system. However, because of our past medical conditioning that pain means there is an injury or something wrong with our body, we almost immidiately seek treatments to fix our body....

Why is this wrong? Because we then take our attention off of the real cause (our thoughts and emotions) and look outside to a medical professional or treatment that can fix our body. Taking our attention/awareness off of the real cause allows this pain disorder to continue on in our life. That leads us to....

3. Which is you Must stop all physical treatments that you think or believe or treating your broken down body. Now, this is a hard one for most of you. Especially the athletes that are used to getting the over-use injury diagnosis, muscle imbalance, or strained/pulled muscle BS. Realize something....the pain is also a signal for you to Pay Attention to the real cause (your thoughts and emotions) so that you can become aware of How you are being and then make the appropriate changes. However, if you go looking for someone or some treatment to fix you, you are communicating to this disorder that you do not accept the real cause.

When this happens in these disorders, which as most of you experience is 99% of the time, you are stuck in and maintaining a Chronic Pain Cycle. You go from Doc to Doc, from treatment to treatment hoping for a fix that will end your pain. This is the chronic pain cycle that you probably find yourself in right now. Re-read 1-3 and investigate if you may be stuck in this cycle. If you need more information on this right away! Go to:

Monte Hueftle

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