Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The Wrong Diagnosis - Zach Braff on Jay Leno

Have you ever wondered how with all of our expertise and technology that no one can find a effective treatment for chronic pain? Do you want to know how we spend in excess of $10 Billion dollars a year in treating chronic pain unsuccessfully?

It's quite simple. Our medical community does a very poor job of diagnosing the real cause of chronic physical pain disorders.

Zach Braff, the dude on Scrubs, was on Jay Leno the other night. Jay made mention that Zach had injured his back and inquired how it happened ect. Zach went on to say that he was a runner and that his doctor had suggested he had been running too much. The cause of his back pain....One of his legs is longer than the other! Anyone ever heard that before? And now Zach goes into this rant about his L-45 and all of that garbage.

This scenario plays out thousands of times per day, every day...The wrong diagnosis leads to treatments that don't work which leads to a chronic pain cycle that leads to more serching for someone or thing to fix it and all of this leads you away from the real cause.

Except you. Now you know. Remember, the pain is a signal to pay attention.

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