Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The Subconscious Effect...what happens when you don't...

What happens when you do not get the positive subconscious effect from learning about tension induced pain and the psychological cause?

Let me go back briefly for those not familiar with the subc. effect....Much of the time when a person first learns about tension induced pain (TMS - Tension Myositis Syndrome), they will almost immidiately receive benefits of less pain, soreness and stiffness - many times a complete release of all of their pain symptoms. This dynamic response is attributed to the subc. mind's response to a person now learning and understanding the Real Cause (repressed emotional energy). Realize that most of this, if not all of the repression is occurring in the subc. or not in your conscious awareness.

What happens when you don't get this positive response initially and you know that inner tension/stress is the cause? It means you have to go to work...on yourself. You have to discover how you are repressing this emotional energy (usually through chronic mental behavior patterns) and then begin to change this repression.

I get this question a lot...Why am I not getting the subc. effect now, I did 3 years ago when I first learned about this.
I suspect because you never really changed your repression acitivities...The most impt. key to understand in order to heal from this disorder is: You must accept the real cause (repressing emotions). You must then communicate this acceptance through your actions. That means you stop searching for outside treatments/drugs/docs that will somehow magically cure you. And start investigating your inner self and how it is represing so that you can begin to change the repression (pain creating) into non-repression (open, truthful, free-flowing, present moment communication with yourself).

Monte Hueftle

An important observation regarding the subc. effect and why you may not be getting it now.

Realize that reading and re-reading a book on how to heal is not going to reach your subc.

The positive subc. effect happens because you learned something, then you acknowledged it, and then you sincerely accepted it. You communicated to your subc.,
"yes, I get it, that's what is happening to me".

If you are not getting it now, I suspect that you are frustrated, not sure what is going on, and doubting that it is caused by inner tension...But you keep reading and re-reading the information that gave you the positive effect earlier....

The message is pretty clear. Get yourself out of the books, off the message boards, stop searching, and start doing your own Inner Investigation as to what is going on with you.

Monte Hueftle
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