Friday, October 20, 2006


Where is My Healing Energy?

If your energy is stuck in the past, or future, you don't have it to use in the present. Imagine you are a light bulb and you are using 10% of your energy worrying about a project you need completed in two weeks; and you are giving 20% to your career in general because you are so frustrated you really want to be doing something else; 10% goes to your parents for the way they treated you 30 years ago; 15% to your spouse/friend for not supporting you; 10% goes back to not taking that “perfect” opportunity 10 years ago that would have assuredly changed your life for the better; 20% goes to wondering how you are going to get rid of these chronic injuries someday; and another 10% worries about why you worry so much... So you wind up with a whopping grand total of 5% of your energy to use in present time. That's not a lot of juice to put into creating in the present time. And now realize that healing is a present time activity and you can pretty easily figure out why you may still be stuck!

Monte Hueftle

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