Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The Whole Idea About Being Mindful or Conscious...

The whole idea about being mindful or conscious is so that you can become aware of your repression activities in present time.

This allows you the opportunity to then Interupt/Stop this activites.

Once you stop the repression activities (stop creating the pain cycle) you then can allow yourself to experience what had been repressed emotional energy.

However, now you are in Present Time experierencing this energy (which opens up your system and allows energy to flow freely). Remember this is the transformation activity that you are seeking. This is the cure/relief/end of pain.

Realize always that Healing is a Present Time Activity. It can not happen when your mind is in the past. Nor can it occur when you are searaching in the future for your miracle cure. It's active, not passive and it transforms pain only in the present time.

Monte Hueftle

Most people fail to understand that their chronic thought processes and behavior (usually inner chatter in the past--anger/resentment or future--worry/expectations) combined with judging, complaining, conrolling, compulsive, striving, perfectionistic behaviors) Are The Repressing Activities.

Yes, so elementary and not very scientific. And this is precisely why so many blow it off and keep searching for a treatment/cure that is more "normal"...

This is the big mistake most make and why they do not heal and why they are still in pain.

Monte Hueftle
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