Wednesday, November 08, 2006


What are you communicating to your painbody?

What is your pain in the butt? is it your back, low bank acct, crappy relationship, unfulfilling career?

What ever you are focusing on with a big portion of your thoughts/feelings (energy) is what you are attracting and maintaining in this pain situation.

Realized that every moment you are communicating with this disorder (pain situation) that are in your life.

So, if you are searching for a new fix, doc, treatment, therapy--you are communicating to this disorder (avoidance, denying, closed-off-ness). You are
avoiding the Real cause---your emotions/feelings. Make sure you Get This!
Same thing if you are complaining about your career, bank acct or relationship and resenting you are in it and "thinking/searching" that as soon as you fix this prob. then everything will be okay...

Going on a message board and asking what is wrong with me? Do you have this? what do you think about that? Bla Bla Bla is maintaining your painbody. You are communicating to this intellegent disorder you don't want to deal with the real cause your still want someone to fix you.

think about that for a minute or sooo...and then start feelng something, anything.

Monte Hueftle

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