Tuesday, December 12, 2006


The Sarno Dilemma...Step #1

Over 90% of the people that I work with, read my books, listen to my audio programs and have consultations with, learned about tension induced pain from Sarno. They read his books, saw his video, listened to his tapes, or personally met with him.

Yet they are still in pain! Why? They know what tms is and they know that they have repressed emotions, yet why can they not "fix" this pain disorder for good?

Most people do not know how they repress their emotional energy and they have no idea how to un-repress it...and then because of this delimma they start searching, doubting, wondering, thinking, becoming more frustrated (basically keep feeding the pain disorder).

Step #1.
Investigate and learn everything you can about and get comfortable with your unique personality traits/behaviors. This is Emotional Awareness 101. Become aware of your External Stressors, Personality Traits and your Internal Repressors (this is your patterns of: worry, complaining, judging, resenting, thts in past, thts in future. This is your daily chatter/drama that takes up about 90% of your thinking. Start observing it, watching it, listening to it.

If your intention is to heal, to get rid of your pain, you absolutely must start with this step. Emotional Awareness. You must start here. Need some help? Read and journal Chapter 6. Re-read the November newsletter. This can be found in the appendix. No need to rush through this process or think that you already know this part of yourself. Spend a lot of quality time with this and it will make the other steps much more efficent and effective.

Monte Hueftle

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