Thursday, January 04, 2007



Change...absolutely the #1 Reason people with tension induced pain are still experiencing pain.

They are afraid of the changes they must make in their life in order to heal.

When someone is afraid to change a couple of things happen.
--they remain stagnant/passive hoping somehow this will just go away.

or they go into major fix it mode hoping/searchng for someone to fix them so that they don't have to change.

Realize that what you want is to be fixed, the pain to go away, as long as you don't have to change!

That's not going to happen with this disorder. It's Not!

Today you can start changing your thts...When you catch yourself complaining or judging---Stop and have the intention not to judge/complain.

When you catch yourself in worry mode...Stop make the choice to leave the worry behind and get into present moment thinking/action.

Whenever you find your mind in the past...bring it back to now.
In the future...bring it back to now.

Do you think these little changes are no Big deal? They are Huge! Really Huge!

Maybe you read that sarno says you don't/can't change you personality? that is correct. you are not going to change your personality, but you can change your repressing thought patterns. you can change your repressing thts that are in the past and in the future. you can bring your attention/focus back to the present moment, which is the only place you can heal.

Monte Hueftle

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