Friday, February 09, 2007


Nothing will move/change in our painbody...

Nothing will move/change in our painbody until we move/change in our inner self.

What is keeping you from accessing your inner self? Fear of change? Fear of unknown? Fear of losing control?

The anger, the rage that Sarno speaks of is really fear.

Nothing will move/change in our painbody until we move/change in our inner self.

Maybe you are moving/changing. Possibly you are sincerely in contact with your inner self...listening and observing the chaotic chatter. You are opening up and being truthful with your self instead of supressing and repressing your fear/anger/resentment/and unmet expectation.

But nothing is happening...? Then wait. Wait with the trust/faith/hope that even though it appears nothing is changing in your body...Something is changing inside.

Wait, while staying the course of this practice. Actively wait, knowing/trusting that you are effecting change, because you are, even though you may not feel it.

Pain sensations are a distraction in the tms stategy.

Message boards, new docs, different treatments, another book, and other "instant gratification" concepts are a distraction to healing from this disorder.

Nothing will move/change in our painbody until we move/change in our inner self.

Monte Hueftle

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