Sunday, March 11, 2007


Live today fearlessly...

Have you thought about how much of your life you live in fear? And how much this fear generates inner tension within your system.

Examine right now areas of your life that you operate "behind the scenes". Investigate why you choose to live this way instead of "upfront, open and honest" with your self.

Are there certain personal relationships that you are involved in that you are more comfortable trying to "control and/or manipulate" from behind? Why is that? What about you feels the need to act this way?

Are there certain areas of our life such as "Money, or Career" that you are more comfortable operating behind the scenes? Why is that?

Realize that when you operate from behind the scenes vs upfront you are closing your self off. You are Not open.

Pick an area of your life that you know that you are operating from behind the scenes. Today, have the intention to switch this behavior and operate upfront and open! See what happens when you open up and move/operate in this "unknown, unfamiliar and uncomfortable" area.

Doing this will give you a big, huge insight into what it is like to "experience or feel" emotional energy that you normally repress in Fear. As a side benefit of this you will experience how to reverse or open up to healing this pain disorder.

So today have it your intention, your discipline to operate upfront in a particular area of your life that is normally occupied with fear. As you do this, as you go into this unknown yet emotionally transforming act stay present/conscious as much as you can. Resist the conditoned urge to "become overly self-conscious, judge, withdrawal, or control/manipulate". See what happens when you do not go into the old, conditioned behavior pattern and stay upfront, open and honest. It is well worth the effort.

Monte Hueftle

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