Thursday, October 26, 2006


Stop Thinking & Searching and Start Feeeeling...

Understanding and then Implementing this one simple practice will dramatically change your body and your life.

Yes, thinking, our thoughts are the instigator in this pain disorder. They cause us to mentally repress and hold down our emotions, but it is the experience of feeeling our emotions that then opens up and begins the transformation into a feel good body.

Spend your time, use your energy feeeling, experiencing what you feel, generating feelings to experience and not in thinking (searching, worry, complaining, comparing, judging)

We have been taught to Think, think think....however, the way you heal, the way you transform a chronic pain disorder is by
experiening your emotions, by feeeling what is there instead of thinking about it.

Monte Hueftle

Friday, October 20, 2006


Where is My Healing Energy?

If your energy is stuck in the past, or future, you don't have it to use in the present. Imagine you are a light bulb and you are using 10% of your energy worrying about a project you need completed in two weeks; and you are giving 20% to your career in general because you are so frustrated you really want to be doing something else; 10% goes to your parents for the way they treated you 30 years ago; 15% to your spouse/friend for not supporting you; 10% goes back to not taking that “perfect” opportunity 10 years ago that would have assuredly changed your life for the better; 20% goes to wondering how you are going to get rid of these chronic injuries someday; and another 10% worries about why you worry so much... So you wind up with a whopping grand total of 5% of your energy to use in present time. That's not a lot of juice to put into creating in the present time. And now realize that healing is a present time activity and you can pretty easily figure out why you may still be stuck!

Monte Hueftle

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Everyday "normal" chronic negativity...

Are you normal? Just like everyone else? Complain some, judge a little, controll a lot, fairly conscientious of what everybody else thinks about you whle striving to get here and there, spending a lot of time worrying about this and resenting that? That's normal life, right?

That is the normal life of a person experiencing chronic pain. Normal, everyday, low energy, negative thoughts and feelings produce Normal everyday stiffness, tightnesss, soreness, low back, high shoulder, sciatica, and butt pain.

There is no need to go looking for that big, huge, tramatic, experience that happened when you were 9 yrs old to heal from this pain disorder. This chronic physical pain disorder is caused by chronic, everyday, low energy, negative, repressing thoughts and mental behaviors that cause us to "feel" low, sad, worthless, angry, down, life-less, hopeless, and accept that "oh well, that's life, I'll adjust...This is not may appear normal because you are use to and comfortable living that way, and it seems like most everyone else is in that same state---however this way you feel is a direct effect of how you are thinking on a moment to moment basis compounded over the years.

Like attracts Like. Low energy, negative thoughts and behaviors cause low health, low feeling--(which we repress) and pain.
High energy, positive thoughts and behaviors cause high health, high feelings and a open, feel good body.

This is the most important element to understand if you are experiencing chronic pain.

Monte Hueftle

Friday, October 13, 2006


Excuse Me But What Can I Do Today?

I get this question everyday multiple times. Realize that if you have read my book Get Rid Of The Pain In Your Butt NOW or any other tms book, you already know everything you need to know-and probably more--about what tms or tension/stress indcued pain is.

For some reason, we're either lazy, scared or just wanting someone or thing to fix us while we sit back and watch---usually it is all three of these--we keep searching and grasping at what can I do or how do I get rid of this...

Remember, denying, avoiding, holding in, stuffing down--in other words repressing our emotional energy is the cause of this chronic pain disorder...And really remember that it is your unique personaility traits/behaviors of: controlling, worrying, complaining, judging, striving, expecting, perfecting, pleasing, all while being overly self conscious that is the way you are Repressing....If you get nothing else, Get That. Understand That.

Instead of feeling or experiencing our emotional energy--when this happens your energy is open and flowing and you are not creating pain, we allow our mind patterns to worry, judge, complain, search, strive, and be self conscioius.

When you find yourself in your repressing behavior modes or inner chatter---this is what you do---You stop it. You stay in the situation that you are in, but you experience that situation without the worry, or anger outburst, or self consciousness of what everyone else thinks....You must experience what happens when you stay in your life situation but leave behind the repressing mental behavior...

Simple yes. So don't dismiss it. Hard and challenging to do. Yes, at first, and once you start experiencing the openness you begin to realize that you can feel your feelings without the repressing mental behaviors---You must go into this unknown, uncertain but very natural place...Jump right in or tip toe in but get in there and try this. It is your choice to allow this transformation every moment. Yes, every single moment you can be transforming this pain disorder and getting rid of the pain.

Monte Hueftle

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Nothing Affects Our Physical Pain Except Our Energy Flow

Yep. Understand this: Nothing Affects Our Physical Pain Except Our Energy Flow.

Our Energy (thoughts & feelings) flow is either repressed, closed off, avoiding, & denying


It is open and naturally free flowing. We know that repressed energy means pain and open-free flowing means naturally no-pain.

Simple right? Yes it is so simple. Not always easy though.

You want, your intention is to have your energy open and free flowing which results in a great feeling of no pain.

So you must focus on doing and being just that: Open. Open with yourself, being truthful with yourself.

You also have to know, be aware of when you are repressing, closed off, denying--so that you can change that to open - free flowing.

For today, start by focusing, paying attention to how you feel when you complain, judge, try to controll, be perfect, strive or grasp at something or someone, and worry about all this stuff. Get comfortable and used to recognizing how you are feeling when you are in these repressing modes...Are you feeling good? or do you feel like you are creating stress and tension in your life, and maybe that you are stuck and out of control---like in not able to control your chatter/inner dialogue...

For today, pay attention to how you feel when you are in these repressing modes. really get to know how it feels to try and control everything and worry about it and be self conscious about it....

Tomorrow we'll discuss why that is so important and then start to change it.

Monte Hueftle

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Chronic Repressing Thoughts = Chronic Pain

Are you in the process of watching and listening to your thoughts? If not, you should be, as it holds one of the keys to healing from this disorder.

Realize that chronic worry means that you are chronically repressing your feelings, which means you are creating chronic pain in your body.

Chronic angry outburst is not experiencing your feelings! Chronic angry outburst is a way to chronically repress your feelings and keep creating pain.

Same with chronic complaining, being chronically overly conscious, chonically controlling people and things, chronically trying to please get the idea. Everyone of these chronic mental behaviors patterns are Repressing your feelings and keeping you in chronic pain.

Realize that you can choose to remain in these chronic behavior patterns or you can choose to stop them, change them and be mindful of your thoughts and actions. Instead of having an angry outburst you can stay present in the moment and feel what happens when you Don't go into outburst mode. When you catch yourself in chronic worry mode, you can stop and shift into
present moment awareness and experience what happens when you don't worry.

Realize that when you experience your energy (feelings) by Not going into your Repression mode, you are transforming your pain disorder. Instead of being closed you are opening up. Instead of having emotions stuck inside you creating pain they can start flowing. This is how you heal from this disorder.

Monte Hueftle


Energy (thoughts) in the Now is the Healing Transformation

Having your energy in the now, the present moment, is the transformation out of chronic pain caused by inner tension/anxiety! The more energy (conscious awareness) you have in the present moment, the more energy you have available to move through you. In this way the stuck and blocked energy (your chronic pain) begins to transform (open up and flow). It is sometimes silent and invisible however it is very powerful.

Monte Hueftle

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Call Back Your Energy

Where is your energy? Is it helping you become healthy and out of pain? Or is it Out There somewhere--Work, Relationships, Finances, Expectations, Resentments? In speaking about energy, what I am really saying is, where are your thoughts--what people, places, things, situations are you spending your energy on?

Would you like to have most of your energy available to you to help you get out of pain?

This is what you do. Draw a stick person on a piece of paper--the stick person is you. Next, draw a line out from you to where you are giving a lot of your energy. For example you may have a line out to a project at work, and one out to a specific relationship that is rocky at the moment, ect.. Keep doing this and label approximately how much enegy you are giving to this area of your life..You should get pretty close to 100% of your energy going somewhere.

Now, how much of that energy (thoughts) is Present time energy, or Energy (thoughts) in the Now, that is available to help you heal? Don't be suprised if it is less than 5%...

Take some time and investigate why you have energy going out to these External things and away from you....Yes, this is a way of repressing or you are allowing yourself to go outside while you deny or avoid your inner self...

Do you have any idea what happens when you call or bring this energy back to your inner self? It is amazing and it is transforming. So here is what you can do...For example the energy that is chronically focused on work/project--Make the choice to cut off that line you have drawn or image it as a circuit and turn that circuit off...Now image that energy that was focused on work/project/relationship/finances/past resentments/future expectations coming back to you...Yes you can image this by visualizing it or sensing it, or feeling it or just knowing it is coming back to you.

When you bring it back your intention is now to keep it with you for awhile...You do this by being mindful or present in whatever you are doing...Keep your energy with you in the now and whenever you notice it is attached somewhere outside, just bring it back again..

This is a very powerful, healing practice that you can have with you all the time...Remember if your energy is outside of you it is not helping you heal and it is actually helping to maintain your pain cycle. When you call your energy (thoughts) back you are communicating to this disorder that you are responsible and open to helping yourself heal.

Monte Hueftle

Friday, October 06, 2006


A Daily Mindful Practice

Being mindful, or being conscious of who and how you are being is a moment to moment daily practice of being Truthful with yourself.

It is the opposite of being un-conscious of who/how you are being.

When you are being truthful with yourself you are open and expierencing what emotional energy is present...When you are un-conscious or choosing to allow your mental patterns to run rampant...You are repressing this emotional energy.

It is always your choice to be open and honest with yourself or to let it go unattended and cause repression and pain.

Monte Hueftle

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The Whole Idea About Being Mindful or Conscious...

The whole idea about being mindful or conscious is so that you can become aware of your repression activities in present time.

This allows you the opportunity to then Interupt/Stop this activites.

Once you stop the repression activities (stop creating the pain cycle) you then can allow yourself to experience what had been repressed emotional energy.

However, now you are in Present Time experierencing this energy (which opens up your system and allows energy to flow freely). Remember this is the transformation activity that you are seeking. This is the cure/relief/end of pain.

Realize always that Healing is a Present Time Activity. It can not happen when your mind is in the past. Nor can it occur when you are searaching in the future for your miracle cure. It's active, not passive and it transforms pain only in the present time.

Monte Hueftle


The Subconscious Effect...what happens when you don't...

What happens when you do not get the positive subconscious effect from learning about tension induced pain and the psychological cause?

Let me go back briefly for those not familiar with the subc. effect....Much of the time when a person first learns about tension induced pain (TMS - Tension Myositis Syndrome), they will almost immidiately receive benefits of less pain, soreness and stiffness - many times a complete release of all of their pain symptoms. This dynamic response is attributed to the subc. mind's response to a person now learning and understanding the Real Cause (repressed emotional energy). Realize that most of this, if not all of the repression is occurring in the subc. or not in your conscious awareness.

What happens when you don't get this positive response initially and you know that inner tension/stress is the cause? It means you have to go to work...on yourself. You have to discover how you are repressing this emotional energy (usually through chronic mental behavior patterns) and then begin to change this repression.

I get this question a lot...Why am I not getting the subc. effect now, I did 3 years ago when I first learned about this.
I suspect because you never really changed your repression acitivities...The most impt. key to understand in order to heal from this disorder is: You must accept the real cause (repressing emotions). You must then communicate this acceptance through your actions. That means you stop searching for outside treatments/drugs/docs that will somehow magically cure you. And start investigating your inner self and how it is represing so that you can begin to change the repression (pain creating) into non-repression (open, truthful, free-flowing, present moment communication with yourself).

Monte Hueftle

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